Dynamic and Structural Analysis of Encouragement of Chinese Investment in the Russian Far East Economy

  • Павлова Валерия Андреевна

    V. A. Sokurenko. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


In the context of economic and politic cooperation between Russia and China, the investment cooperation is one of the most priority sphere. Since 2000 China has been succeeding in capital export. Currently Chinese make investments in all economic sectors all over the world.
During the period 2014-2018 years, Russia took a 12 position in the world according to the volume of received Chinese investments. The analysis of structure and dynamic of Chinese investment in the Russian Far East economy is presented in the article. It is determined that
investment cooperation between Russia and China is a bilateral economic cooperation development priority as it is important for both sides. Because of trans frontier position and established cultural connections, the Russian Far East as a participant of investment cooperation is
given a priority. One of the reason of investment cooperation activation is establishing of special economic zones in the Far Eastern Federal District – advanced special economic zones and Free Port of Vladivostok. It is settled that Chinese investors are interested in following regional
economic sectors: woodworking, extraction of metallic and non-metallic mineral resources, agriculture and animal industry. It is confirmed that Chinese investment may become a driver of the Russian Far East economic development and also may become a reason for pursuing a goal of region economic development, settled by the government. The problems that slowing the investment process were determined and systematized. They are rather poor infrastructure, formalism, administrational inefficiency and small domestic demand.
Keywords: Russia, China, dynamic, structural analysis, capital export, investment cooperation, the Far East.